Coaching, Mentoring and Workshop Delivery

With Lauren Wood

Helping you to support the well being of you and your tribe, naturally.

Energy Management Coaching

Supporting you to find the time and space to connect to nature.

1-2-1 Nature Mentoring

Want to benefit from the guidance of an experienced and passionate outdoors woman as you begin to deepen your connection to nature?

One to Wander - VIP Coaching

 Are you searching for something deeper? 

Spend a whole day wandering 1-2-1 with Lauren in the mountains where we focus on you and how you would like to deepen your connection to the natural world.


Corporate and Bespoke

I offer wanders for corporate teams looking to take some time away from screens and focus on well being and self care.

I am more than happy to discuss bespoke workshops for all audiences.


The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...

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