The mountains are calling…

Do you know What you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?


For vision-led women who understand the importance of time alone in nature and are ready to develop the skills, mindset and confidence to go and get it.

Hey, I’m Lauren, Mountain Leader, Vision and Relationship coach and lover of the wild. I help fellow vision-led women who understand the importance of time in nature to develop the skills and confidence so that they have the freedom and choice to live life on their terms and stay connected to the wild.

No judgement. No competition. Just wildness, warm company and the start of your wildest adventure.

What is stopping you from heading into the wild?

I'm afraid of getting lost

Do you long to go walking in mountains or wilder spaces to get away, untangle your mind and connect to your purpose but you are scared of getting lost?

Do you find navigation difficult or worried you have no sense of direction?

Would you love to know that you had the skills and confidence to keep you safe and allow you the freedom to head out on your own?



I just don't have the time or energy

Busy woman working with two children

Are you a woman who cares and who values helping others?

Or maybe you are a successful professional out to create a better world?

But you have found that while you are making a difference and being there for others, you are left feeling short on time or energy to do the things that really light you up and make you feel alive.

You would love more time and energy for you, to venture into the wild, find a deeper connection to nature and follow your heart.


I'm worried I will slow everyone down

Have you tried going out walking with groups of people or friends only to find that they walk so much faster than you?

It feels like that they are intent on heading to the top whereas you just want to drink in the beauty all around you?

You are so aware of slowing everyone down or getting left behind that you can’t enjoy the mountains.

Do you just want to know its ok to go slow?


Not sure where to start?

“I had the best day learning navigation with Lauren, the beautiful hills with the sea in the distance and the smell and colours of heather surrounding us was magic ✨ everything she shared with us was invaluable and is something I’ve wanted to learn for a while now! I can’t wait to go out and practice so I can go off wandering on my own … thanks so much” – Ellie (Navigation participant)

🌿 Are you someone who appreciates the magic of simply being in nature? Of how it allows you to reconnect to your creativity and who you are at your core?

🌿 Do you get almost giddily excited about the way the sunbeams breakthrough the clouds and kiss the heather amidst a dark and moody day?

🌿 Or find that the best cure to frustration and a tangled mind is to get out and allow the wind and the rhythmic movement of your feet meeting the earth to bring you back to the essence of what it means to be you and help you find solutions buried in your subconscious that are almost magical in their simplicity and ease?

🌿 Do you want more of that in your life? To go further into the mountains?

🌿 To experience the freedom of being able to wander into the unknown, safe in the knowledge that you can find your way home?

🌿 Or maybe you want to share your wild experiences with loved ones who are less experienced in the mountains as you and you want to know you are able to look after them.

Sure you have thought about learning navigation skills before but the thought of being in a group of super-fit, competitive, kit comparing “maleness on a mission” type people fills you with dread.

So you have held back.

You have joined on to walking groups, but have found yourself tied to their pace, unable to stop and admire the view and with the constant fear of being left behind.

Or you have convinced yourself you don’t need the mountains whilst a wildcat in your heart paces and swishes her tail impatiently, longing for freedom, mountain air and lark song.

What if there was another way? What if there was an experience better tailored to what you want?

You want a learning environment where not only is it ok, but it is encouraged to go at a slower pace. Where we start our day checking in to make sure everyone is met where they are at. A day where you are given the space to hone your skills and watch your confidence in yourself grow at a speed that works for you whilst being backed up by a team of like-minded people cheering you on and sharing the journey.

You want a training experience where it is not unusual to have a bit of a forage on the way, or where we spend our lunches sat in heather, discussing everything weird and wild as we watch the clouds sweep over the mountain vista.

You want a day where mindfulness and self-awareness are built into the learning experience and navigation becomes not just a useful skillset but a way of connecting more deeply to the land?

And you are ready!


You are ready (even if a little nervous) to step into a more mountain savvy version of yourself.

You are ready (despite the butterflies) to feel the freedom of knowing that you can support yourself to head into the unknown, knowing that you will find your way back.

You are ready (and slightly unsure about how) to see your relationships improve as your confidence grows and shines through your eyes, lighting you up from the inside so that people respond to you in a new way.

You are ready to watch your body grow in strength and vitality as you allow your legs to take you to new and beautiful places that recharge your soul.

You are ready to add more magic, connection and adventure to your one wild and precious life.

And you are ready to take that next step…

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