Reclaim. Restore.

Time, stress and energy management support

Helping you to reclaim space to connect to what’s important

Find space for nature

Does time in nature help you to completely unwind and feel more like yourself but you are too busy to get out there?


Whether you are overwhelmed with your workload or struggling to juggle the demands of the family with everything else on your plate, it can feel impossible to fit any time in for nature, right?

And you know how good it feels to get outside. The sense of freedom, the opportunity to untangle the thoughts and just breathe.

But how can you possibly fit that in?

Especially when you then have to figure out what to take and where to go and don’t even mention the chance of getting hopelessly lost or falling into a ditch and your body being found weeks later, half picked apart by scavengers!!

Firstly I just want to say, if the last part was you, breathe 😉

Secondly, I want to say that it is possible, trust me. And it doesn’t involve selling your children or leaving your job (unless you want to of course…the job I mean).

This page will give some options on how we can work together through coaching to help you reclaim some space so that you can reconnect back to nature and restore yourself to your natural glory.

And if you can’t find what you are looking for, book a call with me through clicking on the button below and we can chat it through over a cuppa. Maybe a spiced chai latte. Mmmmm…


“Just a reminder that you don’t have to make resolutions. Or huge decisions. Or big proclamations. You can just set some sweet intentions and take each day as it comes” – Victoria Erickson

Coaching with Lauren – How does it work?

Once a week or once a fortnight, whatever works for you.

Together, for one hour, with an obligatory tasty beverage, we begin to unpick the things that are eating your time unnecessarily and replace them with strategies that help you to feel freer and more in control of your energy.

We then create a system that is tailored specifically for you so that you can get the important things done and still take time to be in nature. Without guilt. With more energy. Feeling more supported.

And you begin to feel a little mischievous and excited and ready to go WHOOPEE!!!! as you run into the sea or lay in the sun amongst a field of daisies…or whatever it is you want to do with your one wild and precious life. 

If this sounds helpful, book in your free 1-2-1 call below.


How It Works

Schedule a Free 1:1

Like I said, we sit down with a cuppa and you get space to air what is going on for you and how you feel you need to be supported.

If I believe I can offer that support then I will tell you and together we will discuss steps forward. 

If I feel you are looking for support I cannot give, I will point you in the direction of some really great people or useful resources that might help.

Either way, you will leave with a little more clarity having experienced some first hand coaching and feel empowered about your next steps to a wilder life.


Choose a Coaching Plan

If you like me and I believe you will benefit from the coaching I offer, together we will decide on a coaching plan of action that will best help you to create the wild space you need.

Find space for nature

Using a combination of One of many tools and the magic of a supportive coaching relationship, by the end of our time together I can guarantee you 5 extra hours a week to spend as wildly as you wish or your money back.

 6 Week “Wild and Free!” Coaching package

Are you simply looking for strategies to free up some time and energy to spend experiencing the connection and freedom of being in nature? Could you use some support and accountability in implementing these tools so that time for nature becomes a regular and reliable part of your life?

Then this programme is for you.


More Details


Working 1 on 1 with Lauren, she will help you to become skilled at time and energy management tools that are designed specifically by One of many™ to work with the cyclical female hormonal system.

When we utilise the different types of energy we have at different times of the month, it is possible to free up time and energy with minimal effort to spend doing what you enjoy most (like walking through beautiful sunlit forests!). The result is you feel calmer, less stressed and feel much more free.

For more information about this coaching programme and to get some free tools to start you off, I recommend watching the Frantic to Fruitful webinar.

This coaching programme is designed to go deeper into the BeFruitful programme offered by One of many. Because lets face it, we buy these online programmes with good intentions but without the accountability, they end up sitting unused in our inbox.

Wild and Free provides accountability and helps you to unearth blocks that will be holding you back from fully implementing these strategies.

So, if you purchase BeFruitful and wish to go deeper with the help of this programme, you will receive a £100 discount off Wild and Free. Just show us proof of purchase.

Wild and Free, however, is equally accessible to those who do not wish to buy BeFruitful and it will help you to gain all of the tools you need to free up your space and rewild your life in a way that feels easy and intuitive x


12 Week ReWilding Package

How would it feel in 3 months from now to be standing in one of your favourite wild places feeling freer, calmer, more grounded and with a clear map of how to live a wilder, more fulfilling life?

During this 12 week coaching programme, not only will we explore and implement the tools from “Wild and Free” to find you more space. We will also look at how to future proof your new found time so that you feel confident that, from now on, when the wild calls, you are able to answer it.


More Details

Whats included:

In this cutting edge programme, you will dive deep into your own wildness. If you find yourself in any way lacking boundaries or focus or uncertain, you will:

  • tap into a wilder sense of confidence
  • find clarity on what you want to do with your One Wild (and precious) Life.

What we do together:

Wild mapping – Get clarity on why time in nature is so important to you and work to build a structure so that you can have your own unique experience of the wild each day.

Boundaries – Learn to set effective boundaries without guilt whilst still supporting those you love. Practice boundary setting conversations and receive templates to help you in a variety of situations.

Receiving support – Just as no tree stands without the support of the ecosystem within which it is rooted so too do you need to be rooted in a community within which you feel able to receive support.

Together we will strengthen your existing support network so that you are more able to take time to step away and feel more grounded.