Oh, What a view from where you stand

Supported mountain days for women who want to build confidence and fitness to explore the wild their way

How would you like to experience the wild?

Wild Wander Mountain Experience

 Woman walking into the mountains

Wild Wanders are for those seeking deeper connection.

In this extended walk, you will have the opportunity to follow your feet, practice mindfulness and nature connection activities and share your experiences with others.

Escape the crowds and explore the quieter, wilder areas of Yr Eyri (Snowdonia)


Private Guided Walks


Woman celebrating the summit of a mountain 

Want to hire a mountain leader for the day who has a wealth of local natural history knowledge, appreciates the need to admire the beauty of the surroundings and is happy to tailor a day to suit your needs?

Whether you have a personal goal you want to achieve or simply want to explore the mountains knowing that you have someone experienced with you, contact me to find out  how I can create the best experience for you and up to 8 people


Not sure where to start?

“Lauren is fantastic – she is so passionate and knowledgeable and brings the outdoors alive. It was an absolute pleasure to be in her company” – June M, participant

 “If I have seen further than others, it is through standing upon the shoulders of giants” – Isaac Newton

You want a learning environment where not only is it ok, but it is encouraged to go at a slower pace. Where we start our day checking in to make sure everyone is met where they are at. A day where you are given the space to hone your skills and watch your confidence in yourself grow at a speed that works for you whilst being backed up by a team of like-minded people cheering you on and sharing the journey.

You want a training experience where it is not unusual to have a bit of a forage on the way, or where we spend our lunches sat in heather, discussing everything weird and wild as we watch the clouds sweep over the mountain vista.

You want a day where mindfulness and self-awareness are built into the learning experience and navigation becomes not just a useful skillset but a way of connecting more deeply to the land?

And you are ready!


You are ready (even if a little nervous) to step into a more mountain savvy version of yourself.

You are ready (despite the butterflies and slight need to vom) to feel the freedom of knowing that you can support yourself to head into the unknown, knowing that you will find your way back.

You are ready (and slightly unsure about how) to see your relationships improve as your growing confidence in yourself and your immersion in the wild starts to shine through your eyes, lighting you up from the inside and see how people respond to that.

You are ready to watch your body grow in strength and vitality as you allow your legs to take you to new and beautiful places that recharge your soul.

You are ready to add more magic, connection and adventure to your one wild and precious life.

And you are ready to take that next step…

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