Live Wildly, Connect deeply

Wilderness SKills,

Nature connection,

somatic therapy,

emotional resilience coaching

For wild hearted, vision-led humans who are ready for a deeper connection to themselves, their loved ones and that something bigger.

Where do you want to start?

About One Wild Life

I’m Lauren, founder of One Wild Life, a company idea born from my desire to see our society rekindle and remember ancestral ways of being and belonging on this earth.

I build on the hope that the more we embody our connection to nature and relearn old skills, the better chance we have of collectively shifting our future to the betterment of all.

What We do

One Wild Life weaves together ecology, practical wilderness skills, somatic practices and skills of belonging to create holistic wild experiences that feel informative, soulful and nourishing.

Plus there is the option of working 1-2-1 therapeutically for a more in depth exploration into building deep connections and sense of belonging into your life.

How I Work

As a practitioner, I bring a supportive, meaningful and playful approach to all aspects of my work.

Wilderness-wise, I weave together 15 years of experience in outdoor leadership, ecology and nature connection facilitation to help you to build practical skills whilst tending to and deepening your connection to the land.

Therapeutically I bring a combination of ecotherapy and somatic therapy and am trained in bilateral processing, parts work and emotional resilience/communication coaching to support you to find deeper connection to those around you and rekindle a felt sense of belonging in this world.

Not sure where to start?

“”I’m so happy to have found someone who is a wild woman after my own heart. She has reawakened that part of me from my childhood who had plants as friends and my joy of finding new plants and new life out in nature. There truly is nothing better than discovering you had e.g. sorrel in your local hedgrows all along and that it tastes ace! What could be better than combining my two loves, food and nature 🙂
I totally recommend Lauren for increasing your connection to nature and through that to your higher self and true spirit, reawakening your joy of life and through that your self confidence.” Susan D, workshop participant


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